Thursday, December 27, 2007

Simply Action

Those that are committed to action take the lead in every respect. If you desire to lead others it starts with taking action. As my friend Devin T. Robinson X always says "Action is louder than words". To be responsible for your actions is of greater importance since you must always be on top of your game: Thinking before you speak, Acting on what you say.

Be the best you can be by BEING the Best! Never settle for less than what you are worth. You are worth as much as you act on. Being there for others, calling on friends, helping those less fortunate, preserving and building good strong relationships all account for your self discipline in persistent action. Self Confidence and Hard Work are the keys to success. Once you understand the secrets of Millionaires and other successful individuals, you will see the major role that constant action plays in helping you achieve the unthinkable.

Think first, then act it out. Brian Tracy always says, "fake it till you make it". Jeff Olson always says, "do the thing, and success will follow" Nike says, "Just Do It". Larry the Cable Guy says, "Get'r Done". I say, "Think it out now and act on it after you got it". Obviously, the other guys' sayings is more catchy but do what it takes to do your best in what ever you do. Relationships, your job, your education, your spirituality...never relent and persist through all life gives you. Act Now!

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